Very excited to do my first post about study abroad! So far, I have spent three days in Edinburgh, Scotland at the university there and now five days in Durham, England at St. John's College (one of the colleges in the University of Durham).
The UK in August has been absolutely lovely (when it is not raining with level one hurricane winds). Below I have posted a photo in which our hair demonstrates the effects of the wind(60 mph)! However, the stereotypes about the weather are completely true, and it does rain everyday.I have already realized I may have to invest in a coat as the trip goes on...sorry mom!
Part of our group standing on Hadrian's wall.
The area of study we have been covering specifically is religious history and architecture. Therefore, we have been church touring intensely. Specifically, we have been studying the former Kingdom of Northumbria (one most of England and Scotland) and analyzing the transition from paganism to Christianity through the surviving structures from the period. In particular, we have really enjoyed visiting The Holy Island of Lindesfarne and the Durham Cathedral!
Some of the Ruins on Lindesfarne, once the site of a monastery.
Hexam Church, a former Abbey.
Durham Cathedral
It has been amazing to explore the cities and towns in our spare time. To sit in cafes, which reside in buildings built almost a millennia ago, is an experience like none other. The culture shock has also been impossible to ignore. Some observations:
- no ice cubes
- cars will NOT stop for pedestrians crossing
- trashcans are few and far between
- Barbour is EVERYWHERE
- beautiful flowers can be found all around the cities
The things said about Americans have been fun to hear, but seeing things labeled as "American" are way better!
Nail Salon in Edinburgh
More to report soon, love to all!
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