Monday, February 24, 2014

Updates: Her Campus

Really excited to announce I have been selected to join the Her Campus Blogger Network! If you don't know about Her Campus Let Me Tell You!

Her campus was founded in 2009 by three Harvard Students with a goal in creating an online magazine for college girls. Her Campus focuses on student authors who write about everything from what to wear to how to study. They offer great giveaways and a chance for companies to advertise to the collegiate audience. Every college or university can set up an online chapter and have their students write pieces for the website!

This week they are focusing on ways girls can get involved in National Eating Disorder Awareness week! Check out some of their ideas or see what your school is already doing.

I have joined their list of blogs that are highlighted on the website can potentially work with Her Campus and receive partnership opportunities!

I am really excited.

Check Out!

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