Hello Lovely Readers,
Happy New Year! I hope every one of you has a resolution, here's mine: to lose fifteen pounds before graduation (by exercising regularly).
For many people, exercising is not a challenge. I am not one of those people. In fact, I am one of the laziest people I've ever met. This is a shame because I am so fortunate to have a perfectly functional body.
It is time for me to take exercising seriously. I am getting older, my metabolism is slowing down, and my excess weight will start hurting my body. While I have always been overweight, I have not always been so inactive!
Why should I care? I have depression - which is exacerbated by winter. Exercise is one of the best treatments available for depression because of the release of endorphin and stress - also promotion positive body image.
For those of you who also need some motivation:
here are some benefits of exercise according to the Mayo Clinic.
What helps me: cute work out clothes. This may seem shallow - but I want to look as good as possible while exercising because I'm self conscious enough as is. Being one of the larger people at the college gym is hard - I feel pathetic with my red face and sweat. The already physically fit people make me feel bad about my own image instead of inspiring me to be healthy. No more! I, too, shall feel confident come bikini season!
I am asking for some support. Please send me some workouts you enjoy or invite me to work out with you! Also, allow me to do the same!
Some work out looks I love:
(Note: I do not endorse Nike because I do not agree with their ethics when is comes to treatment of their factory workers. However, I certainly will not try to enforce my perspective on those who do!)