Monday, December 2, 2013

Tis the Season: Get gifting!

Tis The season:

        It is now time to order your holiday gifts for loved ones so they arrive on time! I have listed some great gifts from under $50 to under $200 that you can get for your favorite girl friends and some things for the men in your life!

      The difference between a gift and a present is that a present must be presented and a gift is simply given. You decide, but here are some ideas on how to present.

- Newspaper with ribbons
- Oragami paper
- Recyclable totes (double gift)
- Collage!

Gift ideas:
- Tech cases (Bloomingdales and Urban Outfitters)
- Bath and body beauty product (Check Sephora and Lush)
- Scented Candles (Yankee Candle)
- Flowers (Orchids!)
- Gift Sets (Red Envelope!)
- Mugs (very useful this type of year)
- Magazine Subscribtions
- ...and gift cards of course!

         xoxo Emma

Get Gifting: Under $200